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What is a Self Advocacy Resource?
Self Advocacy Resources are things like videos, posters or books.
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Topic: Self Advocacy Tips
This video has tips from Self Advocates about running a safe self advocacy group
Running Safe Self Advocacy Groups
This video has tips from Self Advocates about running a safe self advocacy group
- Mady by: Positive Powerful Parents (PPP)
Watch this this video about New Wave Gippsland and how they started in 2009. Members talk about how Self Advocacy has changed their lives. New Wave Gippsland is a self advocacy group based in Gippsland run by and for people with intellectual disability and acquired brain injury.
Opening of the New Wave Gippsland Centre 2009
Watch this this video about New Wave Gippsland and how they started in 2009. Members talk about how Self Advocacy has changed their lives. New Wave Gippsland is a self advocacy group based in Gippsland run by and for people with intellectual disability and acquired brain injury.
- Mady by: New Wave Gippsland
This short film is about the differences between how a parent with an intellectual disability gets treated, compared to a parent to be without disability.
Compare the Parents Short Film
This short film is about the differences between how a parent with an intellectual disability gets treated, compared to a parent to be without disability.
- Mady by: Positive Powerful Parents (PPP) and the Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU)
This video is about parents with intellectual disability and their experience of child protection. Parents made this for people who work with parents with intellectual disability to learn from.
Learning from Empowered Parents Documentary
This video is about parents with intellectual disability and their experience of child protection. Parents made this for people who work with parents with intellectual disability to learn from.
- Mady by: Positive Powerful Parents (PPP) and the Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU)

Read this to see New Horizon’s Posters on saying no to bullies. New Horizon was a self advocacy group run by and for people with disability in Ringwood, Victoria.
New Horizon’s Self Advocates Say No to Bullies!
Read this to see New Horizon’s Posters on saying no to bullies. New Horizon was a self advocacy group run by and for people with disability in Ringwood, Victoria.
- Mady by: New Horizon

Read this to learn about abuse and how to speak up about abuse.
Stop Abuse Booklet
Read this to learn about abuse and how to speak up about abuse.
- Mady by: Office of the Public Advocate (OPA)

Read this to see Sister Rocks Posters on having rights. Sister Rocks is a self advocacy group run by and for people with disability in the Grampians, Victoria.
Sister Rocks Self Advocates Say You Have Rights!
Read this to see Sister Rocks Posters on having rights. Sister Rocks is a self advocacy group run by and for people with disability in the Grampians, Victoria.
- Mady by: Sister Rocks

Read this report about Your Say, Your Rights Project. The project was about women with disabilities using technology.
Your Say Your Rights Technology Report (Plain English)
Read this report about Your Say, Your Rights Project. The project was about women with disabilities using technology.
- Mady by: The Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) and Womens with Disabilities Victoria (WDV)

Disabiltiy and Diversity (DnD) is a Self-Advocacy program in Victoria run by and for people with disability where English is not their first language. Click below to learn more.
About Disability and Diversity (DnD)
Disabiltiy and Diversity (DnD) is a Self-Advocacy program in Victoria run by and for people with disability where English is not their first language. Click below to learn more.

Reinforce Self Advocacy is Australia’s oldest Self Advocacy Organisation run by and for people with intellectual disability. Click below to learn more.
About Reinforce Self Advocacy
Reinforce Self Advocacy is Australia’s oldest Self Advocacy Organisation run by and for people with intellectual disability. Click below to learn more.

Rainbow Rights is a self-advocacy group in Victoria run by and for people with an intellectual disability in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTIQA+) community. Click below to learn more.
About Rainbow Rights
Rainbow Rights is a self-advocacy group in Victoria run by and for people with an intellectual disability in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTIQA+) community. Click below to learn more.

New Wave Rainbow Pride is a Self Advocacy group based in Gippsland that is run by and for people that have an Intellectual Disability and/or Acquired Brain Injury and are part of the Rainbow Community. Click below to learn more.
About New Wave Rainbow Pride
New Wave Rainbow Pride is a Self Advocacy group based in Gippsland that is run by and for people that have an Intellectual Disability and/or Acquired Brain Injury and are part of the Rainbow Community. Click below to learn more.

Voices for Change is a Self Advocacy Group in Victoria run by and for people with an Acquired Brain Injury and experience with the criminal justice system. Click below to learn more.
About Voices for Change
Voices for Change is a Self Advocacy Group in Victoria run by and for people with an Acquired Brain Injury and experience with the criminal justice system. Click below to learn more.

Click below to listen to Raising Our Voices’ past radio shows on the 3CR website.Raising Our Voices is a self advocacy radio show run by people with disability on Melbourne’s 3CR community radio. The show is run by people with intellectual disability, acquired brain injury and complex communication needs.
Raising Our Voices Radio Shows
Click below to listen to Raising Our Voices’ past radio shows on the 3CR website.Raising Our Voices is a self advocacy radio show run by people with disability on Melbourne’s 3CR community radio. The show is run by people with intellectual disability, acquired brain injury and complex communication needs.
- Mady by: Raising Our Voices and 3CR Community Radio

Positive Powerful Parents is a Self Advocacy Group in Victoria run by and for parents with intellectual disability. Click below to learn more.
About Positive Powerful Parents (PPP)
Positive Powerful Parents is a Self Advocacy Group in Victoria run by and for parents with intellectual disability. Click below to learn more.
Watch this video to see New Wave Gippsland do a housing art workshop. Members talk about why self advocacy and speaking up is important to them. New Wave Gippsland is a self advocacy group based in Gippsland run by and for people with intellectual disability and acquired brain injury.
Why is Self Advocacy important to New Wave Self Advocates
Watch this video to see New Wave Gippsland do a housing art workshop. Members talk about why self advocacy and speaking up is important to them. New Wave Gippsland is a self advocacy group based in Gippsland run by and for people with intellectual disability and acquired brain injury.
- Mady by: stART Community Art, New Wave Gippsland

DeafBlind Victoria (DBV) is a Self Advocacy Organisation run by and for people who are DeafBlind in Victoria. Click below to learn more.
About DeafBlind Victoria (DBV)
DeafBlind Victoria (DBV) is a Self Advocacy Organisation run by and for people who are DeafBlind in Victoria. Click below to learn more.
Elizabeth Jeroboam makes Sudanese Cookies ‘Naaim’ while sharing her experiences as a self-advocate.
Recipe for Rights Feast – Sudanese Cookies ‘Naaim’
Elizabeth Jeroboam makes Sudanese Cookies ‘Naaim’ while sharing her experiences as a self-advocate.
- Mady by: Power in Culture and Equality (PCE)