Compare the Parents Short Film
This short film is about the differences between how a parent with an intellectual disability gets treated, compared to a parent to be without disability.
Learning from Empowered Parents Documentary
This video is about parents with intellectual disability and their experience of child protection. Parents made this for people who work with parents with intellectual disability to learn from.
Stop Abuse Booklet

Read this to learn about abuse and how to speak up about abuse.
Tips for Inclusive Meetings from Reinforce Self Advocacy
Self Advocates from Reinforce Self Advocacy share their stories of good and bad meetings. They also give their tips for making meetings inclusive for people with an Intellectual Disability.
Tips for Inclusive Meetings from Brain Injury Matters (BIM)
Self Advocates from Brain Injury Matters share tips for making meetings inclusive for people with an Aquired Brain Injury.
Being a Parent – Parents with Intellectual Disability
Watch this to listen to parents with intellectual disability talk about what it is like to be a parent, talking about their disability, asking for help and advice for new parents.
Racism Hurts Me Because
Self Advocates from Power in Culture and Ethnicity (PCE) share why racism hurts them. They also sharetimes where they feel power in their culture.
Report from the Hand in Hand Parent Meeting

Read this report to hear the voices of parents with Intellectual disability. Parents talk about their experiences with services and supports that were available to them.
Positive Powerful Parents Songs and Spoken Words
Watch this to listen to spoken word and songs from Positive Powerful Parents members about their lives.
How Would You Feel?
Watch this to hear Positive Powerful Parents members talk about their experience of being parents with intellectual disability.